Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Days 23-24 - The One With The Feeding Blues

Monday & Tuesday, November 26 & 27, 2007

Well, Cameron and I are doing well except at meals. He adamantly refuses to eat the food. He will actually swallow some cereal in the mornings but not much. Everything else that makes into his mouth gets spit back out. And that’s if the food even makes it to the mouth because he sometimes starts screaming when the spoon is coming toward him. However, this does not surprise me. I don’t remember if I talked about the way they fed him at the Baby House in an earlier post. They basically had to force food down his throat. I saw him being fed three times and it was extremely difficult to watch. He wanted the bottle but they alternated between spoonfuls of food and the bottle. I think they gave him the bottle mainly to make sure the food went down his throat. Then, he would spend most of our bonding time spitting up. Now, I do want to make one thing clear. The caregivers are not harsh, horrible people. There are typically 2 caregivers for each shift and they are trying to take care of 10-12 babies at the same time. So, unfortunately, the babies have to eat fast. But, it is obvious to me that this feeding experience has traumatized Cameron and is something I will have to work on with him. The formula does not hold him through the night. He is sleeping no more than about 5 hours straight. He goes right back to sleep after another bottle, but I know at almost 10 months of age, I will need to find a way to get food into his system. I am trying to make the experience more pleasant for him. I am not forcing it but I am offering food at every meal even though I know it will probably go to waste. I’m trying to find a fruit he likes first since most kids like fruit because it is sweeter. So far, he did not take to bananas or peaches. These meals are upsetting for us both. It is so hard to see him not eat when I know he needs it. But, we will keep trying. And, of course, he is not going hungry. I keep reminding myself of that point. I have plenty of formula and I have started adding more cereal to the formula. Plus, they give the babies a substance called Kefir here. It is basically drinkable yogurt. He likes it and it is more filling than formula alone.

I knew long before I came to Semey that this week in the apartment with custody would be the hardest and I was right. Homesickness has really set in. Now that the stress of court and wondering if I would get immediate custody is gone, I just want to go home. But, we have to wait on his passport to be processed. And I guess I shouldn’t complain too much since waiting on a passport in the U.S. takes months instead of 7-10 days.

I’ve had some questions about when I can leave Semey and when I will meet back up with Mom. Right now, I’ve been told I will probably leave Semey on Sunday. I should be told more definitively in the next couple of days. Mom and I will also decide in the next couple of days when she will leave SC to meet me in Almaty. She will probably arrive in Almaty maybe Tuesday of next week. I’m really excited about seeing her and knowing every day that passes gets me closer to home.


Sandi said...

It sounds like you are doing great. hang in their only a few more days until your in Almaty and your mom is back with you.


Matthew Ruley said...

This is probably one of the most difficult times, I imagine. A time of limbo where you don't have to be anywhere and actually can't go where you want to go. Hang in there, you'll be home soon.

Anonymous said...

Lana was 9 1/2 months when we gained custody of her also. She too had eating issues. I stuck to the bottle and worked slowly on the food. All of this will be easier to deal with once you are home, have a high chair and various opportunities. I am glad you will be meeting up with your mom soon. For now, try to not let the eating get to you too much. It will work itself out and as long as he is drinking the kefir and formula, all will be fine.


Unknown said...

Don't stress over the eating issue. Let him eat what he will. It will work out when you get him home. Make sure you sleep when he does so you can survive this week. It sounds trying, but you have been a trooper so far. You are on the downhill now. Being homesick is the worst!! One week until mom comes and all will be better. Hang in there...Hugs and kisses.
P.S. If it's any concellation, we are sick here at home because of the Gamecock loss!!!

Unknown said...

I will be praying for the eating issues and your homesickness. Just know that we are here thinking about you and Cameron! Ashley emailed me yesterday about planning a baby shower for you when you get home. We are all anxiously awaiting your return!

kristen said...

theresa - i'm praying for you! i can only imagine how difficult this week is - although it's what you've been waiting for... it's new, and you not at home! and your with a new human being that you are just getting to know! so, the bottle is nourishing him... just remember that, and the 'food' will come - take it easy on yourself for now and don't worry about it. just get to know him. (This happened to my nephew and he wasn't in an orphanage, so some kids just take longer to want 'food' in their mouths. dance around to your music... and get as much sleep as you can! you're on the back end of this now - just a little bit longer! thanks for posting so we know exactly what to pray for! keep strong! :) ~kristen