Wednesday, November 5, 2008

My Little Giraffe

Yep, my little man was a giraffe for Halloween. He enjoyed trick or treating but wasn't all that interested in the other kids in costumes or the candy (He's not really eating candy yet). But he loves to be outside so he very much enjoyed walking around the neighborhood. Passing out candy was less enjoyable. I normally do like to give out candy and see all the kids dressed in costume and my neighborhood gets tons of kids. But, it was a little chaotic this year trying to feed Cameron dinner while answering the door and trying to keep Kelsey from barking (impossible). You'd think after the first 20 or so people come to the door she would get used to it and stop with the barking but no. Luckily Mom was around to help. All in all, it was good fun. I'm sure next year will be even more fun because Cam will be 2 1/2 then.

I couldn't let today slip by without some nostalgia. Today, a year ago, I walked into an orphanage in Semey, exhausted after 36 hours of travel time, and a caregiver brought into the room this beautiful, big baby boy. I don't remember much of the trip but that moment is so ingrained into my mind. It is so vivid as if it were yesterday. Meeting my son for the first time was the most amazing moment of my life thus far. I will be forever grateful to God for allowing me to be this sweet boy's Mom. It is not easy being a single mother. It is truly a balancing act and I have never been more exhausted in my life. But I would not trade it for anything in the world!
Now, if I could only get him to stop standing in the tub!